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We will do our best to accommodate your order within the limits of our inventory.
For more information, please see our “Ordering Information” tab.

Rough Cut – Random Widths – Random Lengths

Cypress tends to be a light, yellowish brown. Sapwood is nearly white. Some pieces can have scattered dark pockets and voids where the wood has been attacked by fungi-called pecky cypress. Also, pieces of old growth cypress salvaged from riverbeds-called sinker cypress- tend to have slightly warmer, darker heartwood colors.

Cypress heartwood is moderately resistant to rot. It is an attractive wood and ideally suited for interior projects.

The machinability of cypress is good, but can, on occasion, present a fuzzy surface when cut. Pre-boring at board edges will help prevent splitting. It nails and screws very well. It glues and sands relatively easy. The straight grain yields good finishing results with stains and varnishes.

Region: Southeastern United States


STOP — This item requires more information. You need to provide us with the following information for your lumber order.
We will do our best to accommodate your order within the limits of our inventory.

Note: Quantity ordered refers to Board Feet.
Rough lumber comes in random widths and lengths.


  • 4/4 = 1 inch
  • 5/4 = 1.25 inch
  • 6/4 = 1.5 inch
  • 8/4 = 2 inch

Please note – lengths over 10 feet are more expensive to ship.
The following board foot calculator can be used to help you calculate your order.

Board Foot Calculator
The easiest and most common way to calculate board feet is to use a board foot calculator.
Several different board foot calculators are available online or check your app store and download to your phone.

To calculate board feet of lumber, use the following formula:

    Board Feet = Width (inches) x Thickness (inches) x Length (FEET) divided by 12.
    Example – For a piece of lumber 2 inches thick, 6 inches wide and 10 feet long, you calculate board feet as follows:
    Board Feet = (6 x 2 x 10) divide by 12 = 10 board feet.

If your order requires specifics, call to verify we have exactly what you need.
Example: If you order 100 board feet and need one board 8'6" that is at least 8" wide and one board 10' at least 6" wide – be sure to state exactly what you need.

Use the comment section in your shopping cart to provide this information.

  • number of pieces needed.
  • specific widths, if required.
  • specific lengths, if required.